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tanah bangunan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tanah bangunan"
  • tanah:    earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres;
  • bangunan:    building; buildings; edifice; merlon;
  • tanah dan bangunan:    real property; real state; estate in land; real estate; property; land; realty
  • bahan bangunan dari tanah liat:    clay-construction material
  • tanah:    earth; estate; ground; land; soil; dirt; acres; abbacy; area; rilievo; landed estate; demesne; real estate; mainland; landmass; relievo; embossment; region; mud; world; shore; continent; clay; solid
  • bangunan:    building; buildings; edifice; merlon; construction; house; place; structure; hut; shanty; dwelling; shack; fabric; erection; center; barrack; centre; home; squat; hutch; sliver
  • kampanye tanah-tanah dara:    virgin lands campaign
  • abu tanah:    dust
  • agen tanah:    estate agent
  • air tanah:    ground water; groundwater
  • analisis tanah:    soil test
  • anjing tanah:    mole cricket; go after; tail; dog; give chase; chase; tag; track; trail; chase after
  • babi tanah:    aardvark
  • bank tanah:    land bank
  • bawah tanah:    lower world; subterranaen; underground; subterranean; basement; furtive; clandestine
  • The land, the buildings, how that whole aspect of it works.
    Tanah, bangunan, bagaimana seluruh aspek kerjanya.
  • You're in the basement of my boss's warehouse.
    Kau ada di dalam bilik bawah tanah bangunan milik bos ku.
  • Titles to land, building and other properties,
    Hak-hak atas tanah, bangunan dan properti lainnya.
  • Subway, commercial building, museum entrance and more.
    kereta bawah tanah, bangunan komersial, pintu masuk museum dan banyak lagi.
  • Avocet said the machine is in the cellar of the Blackpool tower building.
    Avocet mengatakan mesin ini di ruang bawah tanah bangunan menara Blackpool.
  • Excellent for museums, art galleries, underground parking lot, buildings
    Sangat cocok untuk museum, galeri seni, tempat parkir bawah tanah, bangunan
  • Reinforcement of the floor screed in the underground parking of the residential building.
    Penguatan lantai screed di parkir bawah tanah bangunan perumahan.
  • Fruit Bag is also can be used in containing the soil of building.
    Tas buah ini juga bisa digunakan dalam menampung tanah bangunan.
  • Financing of old houses amounts to 60% of the Bank's estimated taxation
    Pembiayaan terhadap tanah bangunan sebesar 60 % dari nilai taksasi pihak Bank
  • 1. Mainly used for road, parking lot, stores, roof, expressway, subway, building.
    1. Terutama digunakan untuk jalan, parkir, toko-toko, atap, tol, kereta bawah tanah, bangunan.
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